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Who is Michelle Witthoeft? To me she is "Momma Micki" and its her unconditional love for others that inspires in me a daily renewed spirit of selfless love and courage. Its in her that I find during my struggles that fire to carry on during my worst days. Micki has been a spiritual Light of Hope and Unity amongst the guys here in the DC jail. She has truly been my beacon of Truth and Freedom.
I want to share a quick story with you about the direct impact a single person can have on another persons life when they so selflessly give themselves to the servitude of others.
I was struggling the other day, more than usual. My mind was wrestling and tormented with many things, incarceration during the holidays, lawyers, sentencing approaching, my family, my children, a life lost, how many more years will I be away from my family. I was beating myself up pretty bad and was very near tears. Its not that I didn't want to cry, only that I'm unsure at this point if I'm capable of crying or if I even have any tears left. I remember walking out of my cell and to the phones. I was going to make a phone call but all the phones were busy. So I was standing there and I'm sure I looked lost as the room was starting to disappear as I drifted further and further into my thoughts. I heard my name being called by one of the other guys I'm detained with. It caught me by surprise because it wasn't my turn for the phone. His arm was outstretched as he was passing the phone in my direction. He was saying, "Some people want to talk to you." When I placed the phone to my ear there was a crowd of people yelling my name saying, "James we love you!" And at that moment tears rolled down my face. I hid my face so no one else could see and someone on the other end of the phone started asking me how I was doing and I said, "I'm OK, I think I'm good." because in that exact moment I was. It was simple, a group of strangers telling me they love me and they care about me made the worry and pain drift away as fast as it enters.
It's the power and strength of Gods love and will for all of our lives. This phone call was outside to the nightly vigil that has been outside the jail for the past 4 months.
The DC jail vigil is the creation of a few Patriotic Americans, but would not be outside the DC jail if it were not for Momma Micki. It's been her tireless effort and steadfast commitment to Truth and Justice that has attracted so many J6 defendants, to include myself, a voice and hope in the midst of our trials and tribulation.
Momma Micki lost her beautiful daughter on January 6th, Ashli Babbitt. Ashli is my Angel and I know she is guarding Heavens gates. She continues to watch over all of us. I have no doubt in this. No words could express the depths of my hearts void from never being able to meet such a beautiful person. It's every day I am able to witness her beautiful spirit through her mothers eyes. I am forever indebted for her Ashli's love, service, and sacrifice to her country.
I am encouraged out of Prayer and Love to want to give a piece of myself to someone who has truly given their all to me and so many more. I have asked others to share with you their experiences and love for an Angel we know as the Mother of the J6 Movement, "Momma Micki".
Always With Love,
James McGrew
James McGrew

It was humbling when it became known that you sat vigil outside our cell block. I marveled at the trade made in your golden years of your home on the West Coast for the city that embodied such tragedy for you. It was doubly astounding to be included in the manner you chose to honor your daughters memory. Your attendance at trials has not been missed and has been a welcomed sight. I had two mothers present and watching from the gallery. Weeks later when the verdict came and I feared that no face I knew would be there for support, I saw that you did not leave me alone. You have become a welcomed focal point that our advocates have gathered around warmly. I pray that cooperation continues to do merciful works on our behalf and in the memory of what can never be replaced for a parent. Thank you for making us all your children. God bless you.
Merry Christmas,
Kyle Fitzsimons
Kyle Fitzsimons

Dear Deplorables,
I'm writing this to express my gratitude for the amazing matriarch of the j6 movement, Mama Micki. Even though she has suffered a great loss, the patriotic soul of her daughter Ashli Babbitt has guided her here to the DC Jail with an abundance and gifts to offer.
Not only has she stood in solidarity with me outside the DC Jail rain or shine for over 4 months, but she has also brought order, unity, and fellowship to the J6 America First movement. Activists and people alike have traveled from all corners of the country to gather and show support outside the DC Jail for the nightly vigil Mama Micki started in August.
I have been given a voice and a platform since Mama Micki's arrival. Since then, I have received numerous letters telling me how moved they are after hearing what I had to say or seeing God's work done right outside the DC Jail, the belly of the beast. People have written me and said that we are charging the Country up, and that they have been compelled to get involved in this grassroots movement since getting to know us all through the nightly vigil.
Mama Micki is not only the matriarch for the J6 family and activists worth their salt, but she has become the very nucleus of the J6 America first movement. She has stood by my side, gave me a voice, provided a platform for me to share with and get to know others in our movement, and for that, I am ever grateful and indebted.
My heart is full.
Sean McHugh
Sean McHugh
Jon Mellis

Dear Patriots,
Where is the beating heart of our J6 movement? Who is the rightful leader of a movement that stands for Truth and Light? We stand against corruption and evil. There has been a beautiful network of activists and supporters building this movement while we J6ers suffer inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in the DC jail. Micki Witthoeft, mother of the great Ashli Babbitt, has been holding a nightly vigil outside the DC jail since August 1st with a crowd of patriots and many live streamers broadcasting around the world. Not to mention that she also attends our court dates with her friends to show us support. We call her phone every night and she puts us on a loud speaker so we can tell our stories, talk to her, and hear from the crowd. They can see our cell windows so we flicker our lights to show solidarity with the wonderful people Mama Micki has brought with her. Like a true Mama Bear she stands outside this DC jail every night in the rain and in the cold wanting to protect us, to show us love, and to give us a voice.
Mama Micki is the real mother of this movement. She has sacrificed more than any one of us. She is passionate, wise, and warm. When James McGrew asked me to write something for us to publish about Mama Micki I thought it was a great idea. The world needs to know that the J6ers are united and our J6 family, including our great advocates, is united. The one thing that unites us all is our love, admiration, and respect for the mother of the beautiful Ashli Babbitt and the rightful mother of our movement, Mama Micki. Like I always say, she may have lost 1 amazing daughter, but she has gained 1000 devoted sons and daughters. May God bless Mama Micki. And may God bless America.
Strength and Honor,
Jon Mellis

Dear Mama Micki,
My name is Billy Chrestman. I'm a J6er being held in the DC jail for almost 2 years. The media lies about me. The DOJ demonizes me. And evil people try to hurt me. There is one light in this horribly dark time. Every night since August 1 there has been a crowd of patriots outside this jail. When I look out my window my heart weeps with gratitude for the good people who care about me. They don't even know me. But I can talk to them and say hi over the phone on a loud speaker. I can flash my cell light to show them love. They are here. They showed up. None of this would even be possible without you Mama Micki. You are the mother of an amazing veteran and hero, Ashli Babbitt, and you are the mother of the J6ers. Nobody else has done what you have done. Your heart is in it for the right reasons. We all know you love us. We all know you care. All of the J6ers and our activists are behind you. God bless you Mama Micki. We need you to lead this movement more than you know.
Merry Christmas,
Billy Chrestman
Billy Chrestman

Fellow Patriots,
On December 6, 2022 they bestowed medals upon Capitol Police officers for their actions on Jan 6. Those medals serve only to glorify the murder of two defenseless women whose names are Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland.
Ashli's mother, Micki, has turned her grief into action. To Micki, the only solace I can possibly give you is Psalm 145: 20 which states, "The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked He will destroy."
For everything you do - Thank you - God bless you - and - God bless America.

Dear America,
I am so very thankful to have Micki out here supporting me and the other Jan 6 political prisoners by leading a nightly vigil outside this DC jail. She makes me smile every time I see her out my window, or talk to her on the phone. She brings the light in the darkness. I will always battle to understand how she stays so positive after her beautiful veteran daughter was murdered in cold blood by this tyrannical government. In the same country that Ashli fought for to secure our freedoms that are being stripped away. Talking to Momma Micki I can feel Ashli's presence. This gives me the strength to keep fighting this corruption.
Micki, I want you to know that Ashli would be so proud of everything you are doing. And I am so proud and thankful to have you as a friend. You are a warrior sent from God to continue your daughters fight and our fight. We all love you so much. Thanks for everything. We The People will take our country back. God bless you and God bless these United States.
Bobby Gieswein
Bobby Gieswein

Dear Fellow Americans,
As a Jan 6er being in the DC jail there really isn't much to be hopeful about or cheerful about. But one thing we do have is Mama Micki, the mother of Ashli Babbitt, who is our voice on the outside and gives us hope and validation. She spends the time getting to know the real people of Jan 6 and what we stand for. She has been a rock and a place of comfort for all of us while she has been leading a nightly vigil outside the jail for over four months. Because she is attentive to our cause and because she speaks the truth she is The Mother of our Movement. I personally want to thank her for her dedication and unwavering credibility. Talking with her is like talking to a good friend. She makes me feel at ease and I feel comfortable discussing anything with her. She absolutely gets the Jan 6 message out to the people. We love her and we thank her so much for her continuous support and her love of our movement. I also want to thank Ashli for her love of country and her awesome passion and courage. She is and always will be in our hearts. Thank you Ashli and thank you Mama Micki. We love you both.
God Bless America,
Bart Shively
Bart Shively

Dear Mama Micki,
You know some people are thrust to the head of a movement by choice. Others can inadvertently end up there through unforeseen tragedy. Unfortunately, you didn't have a choice in this matter. More importantly, what matters is what you do with this newfound position. Somehow through your monumental loss, you've managed not only to persevere, but to thrive while carrying a burden no parent should have to deal with in their life. While I am deeply sorry and saddened by your loss, I know words can only offer so much solace to someone in your position. They say actions speak louder than words, so the next time you look at those around you at the nightly vigil you lead outside the DC jail or when you think of MAGA, just know that you and Ashli have embodied what it means to be a true Patriot here in America. Thank you for all that you do and may we all have the courage and strength to face our worse fears the same way as you, with your head held high. Lastly, we know that Ashli is in a special place up in Heaven. Just remember that there is a special spot reserved for the man who killed her in Hell. We all love you Mama Micki and we're with you till the end. Keep up the good fight. You got this!
Sincerely, with much love and respect, your fellow So-Cal Patriot,
David Dempsey
David Dempsey

Dear America,
Its been two years since Ashli Babbitt's name became etched into the hearts of millions of God loving patriotic Americans. Its hard to comprehend that January 6 still has so many unanswered questions and has left so many without justice. The lies and misinformation have been bombarding the American people nonstop and causing division amongst us. Its clear Washington, DC has a moral dilemma and suffers from a lack of leadership in almost all institutions. It appears they underestimate the love a mother has for her daughter and the arduous journey she has embarked on for truth and justice for Ashli.
Her name is Micki Witthoeft but the detainees in the DC Gulag call her Mama Micki. Make no mistake, she is the face of the Jan 6 movement for truth. She has been leading a nightly vigil in front of the DC jail with a crowd of patriotic Americans and live streamers for over 5 months. Micki doesn't stop there, she also sits in on as many Jan 6 trials as possible. Its inspiring to know Micki embraces so many of us detainees and organizes so much on our behalf. Its fair to say she is loved by every single J6er. If anyone has information that will assist in transparency about J6 or Ashli's murder, please contact I will also ask you all to support Micki in her fight for truth so we can heal as a nation and continue to pray for our republic. Thank you Mama Micki. You will always be in my thoughts, as will Ashli.
Peter Stager
Political Prisoner
Peter Stager
These letters were published as part of the Gateway Pundit Story: JANUARY 6TH HERO OF THE YEAR: A Special Tribute to Ashli Babbitt’s Mom from America’s Political Prisoners! BEAUTIFUL VIDEO and LETTERS!! (1/6/23)
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